

黃榮 醫師






雖然 中醫對於腎的描述,與西方醫學不同。


對就診中醫產生了恐懼,可能 錯失了 最合適的醫治時間。

本醫師 認為 腎衰竭患者的肌酸酐水平就像借貸的債務不斷升高;


最後,本醫師 主張 採用針灸療法,及攝取人體所需的維生素和胺基酸 為治療方案。


Recent statistics from our clinic have shown cases of reversal in patients with chronic kidney failure who have a Creatinine level below 400.

There have also been cases of complete recovery in patients with a creatinine level below 200, with their Creatinine levels meeting the standard of 90.

We have also treated Dialysis patients with Creatinine levels ranging from 800 to 1200, and obtained good results, gradually alleviating the pain of Dialysis.

Although traditional Chinese medicine has a different description of the kidneys compared to Western medicine, some patients mistakenly believe that taking Chinese medicine can lead to problems such as high potassium, high sodium, high blood urea nitrogen, high phosphorus, high creatine levels, etc.

This misconception creates fear towards seeking treatment from Chinese medicine practitioners and may result in missing the most appropriate time for treatment.

I believe that in patients with kidney failure, the levels of creatine are like increasing debts, causing a continuous decline in kidney function, ultimately requiring dialysis or kidney transplantation to sustain life.

Finally, I would like to advocate for the use of acupuncture therapy and the intake of essential vitamins and amino acids as a treatment plan (without containing potassium, sodium, nitrogen, phosphorus, or heavy carbonates), which is safe and effective.

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🩺 立即 WhatsApp:52827271

🔔 本診所所有產品,不是上架商品,均需要中醫師診症後,開處方才能配售。

All products in our clinic are not readily available for purchase. They require a consultation with a Chinese medicine practitioner and a prescription before they can be dispensed.

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