
中醫治療資訊分享 - 逆轉腎衰竭 延緩生命

黃榮 註冊中醫師 (浸會大學中醫碩士)


當腎功能僅剩下正常人的十分之一以下時,腎無法有效排除代謝廢物和水分,即為腎功能衰竭。 嚴重的患者需要進行血液透析或腹膜透析(即洗腎,洗肚)。 如果發展為急性腎衰竭,可能會演變成尿毒癥。 這個時候是迫切需要腎臟移植的時候,但這時可能已經太晚了。

最近在我們診所進行的統計顯示,對於肌酐400以下的慢性腎衰竭患者,有逆轉病情的情況出現;對於肌酐200以下的腎病患者,有完全康復的案例,肌酐指標達到90的標準。 我們也治療了肌酐800至1200的洗腎患者,得到了良好的效果,並逐漸擺脫了洗腎的痛苦。 

雖然 中醫 對於 腎的描述 與西方醫學不同,因此 有些病人因為誤以為服用中醫會導致高鉀、高鈉、高尿素氮、高磷、高肌酸鹽等問題,對就診中醫產生了恐懼,可能 錯失了 最合適的醫治時間。

本醫師 認為 腎衰竭患者的肌酸酐水平就像借貸的債務不斷升高,導致腎功能不斷下降,最終需要透析或腎臟移植來維持生命。

最後 本醫師主張 採用針灸療法,及攝取人體所需的維生素和胺基酸 為治療方案


When kidney function is reduced to less than one-tenth of a normal person's, the kidneys are unable to effectively eliminate metabolic waste and excess fluid, leading to kidney failure. Severe patients require blood dialysis or peritoneal dialysis (also known as Dialysis). If it progresses to acute kidney failure, it may develop into Uremia. At this point, kidney transplantation becomes urgently needed, but it may already be too late.

Recent statistics from our clinic have shown cases of reversal in patients with chronic kidney failure who have a Creatinine level below 400. There have also been cases of complete recovery in patients with a creatinine level below 200, with their Creatinine levels meeting the standard of 90. We have also treated Dialysis patients with creatinine levels ranging from 800 to 1200, and obtained good results, gradually alleviating the pain of Dialysis.

Although traditional Chinese medicine has a different description of the kidneys compared to Western medicine, some patients mistakenly believe that taking Chinese medicine can lead to problems such as high potassium, high sodium, high blood urea nitrogen, high phosphorus, high creatine levels, etc.

This misconception creates fear towards seeking treatment from Chinese medicine practitioners and may result in missing the most appropriate time for treatment.

I believe that in patients with kidney failure, the levels of creatine are like increasing debts, causing a continuous decline in kidney function, ultimately requiring dialysis or kidney transplantation to sustain life.

Finally, I would like to advocate for the use of acupuncture therapy and the intake of essential vitamins and amino acids as a treatment plan (without containing potassium, sodium, nitrogen, phosphorus, or heavy carbonates), which is safe and effective.

🩺 立即 WhatsApp:52827271


氣陰兩虛、陰損及陽的二型糖尿病的中、後期病人,長期須服西藥或注射胰島素,但降糖效果不佳) 出現不同情度的並發症,皮膚痕癢、不思納谷、失眠疲倦、頭暈頭痛、蛋白尿、高尿酸、腎功能變差及腎小球過濾變、肌酸偏高,致腎功能衰竭,逐漸形成須透析或等候換腎。





  • 每天只須1次、早上餐前各逆轉腎衰膠一至三號各1、溫水冲服。
  • 餐後服逆轉腎衰膠四號1粒。(有皮膚發熱屬正常)。
  • 用草本中藥(干品)50,洗淨,4-5水煎半小時。
  • 去藥渣, 然後加入轉腎衰藥粉10克, 作一天飲水之用。
  • 每天2-3餐須吃糙米飯及燕麥、蕎麥,禁吃各種肉類及肉類製成品、米麵製成品、多吃瓜菜素食、適當吃草魚、雞蛋,各類瓜菜須飛水煮食。日常最好做到無糖減碳的飲食習慣。

未能前來應診的患者,可以通過WhatsApp 52827271 視診




電郵: info@港龍醫藥.com 或工作時話:26731877 52827271

🔔 本診所所有產品,不是上架商品,均需要中醫師診症後,開處方才能配售。

All products in our clinic are not readily available for purchase. They require a consultation with a Chinese medicine practitioner and a prescription before they can be dispensed.

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